Sports Osteopathy
What is A Sports Osteopath?
Osteopathy Australia now recognises osteopaths with additional skills and training beyond the general osteopathic scope of practice, covering a number of focus areas including Sports Management.
This quality practice framework was developed to facilitate excellence in inter-disciplinary care between osteopaths, other health practitioners and stakeholders in sport.
An Advanced Sports Practitioner is an osteopath who:
- Meets additional educational requirements
- Demonstrates exceptional career achievements and quality clinical practice
- Completes additional training in the clinical sports management focus area
- Maintains ongoing education each year to stay current

Patients and consumers get all the benefits of a well-trained osteopath plus a practitioner with the additional skills, knowledge and confidence required to work with athletes.
Sports Osteopaths demonstrate long-term commitment to sustained practice in sports practice. Through further higher education and quality clinical review, these members demonstrate ability to provide sports clinical interventions that are more broadly offered by other professions with a primary focus on sports. They have the knowledge and clinical skill to stabilise, manage and improve elemental and specific performance abilities, or remove barriers to performance and reduce injury risk in a specific sport.
Sports osteopaths are part of a network of sports health professionals. They give referrals to and work with sports physicians, general practitioners, exercise physiologists, physiotherapists and other health professionals.
More information on Sports Osteopathy and Advanced Practice Recognition can be found on the website of Osteopathy Australia.
Find a Sports Osteopath
Osteo Sports Network has the ability to connect athletes, clubs, organisations, event organisers, and general individuals with the professional best suited to service their needs. Contact OSN directly, or Check Out OSN's Advanced Sports Osteopaths.
All osteopaths that are members of Osteopathy Australia, including those with Advanced Practice Recognition, can also be found using OA's "Find an Osteo" search database.